There is a minor brouhaha in the world of healthcare quality and process improvement. It started with a perspective piece written by Pamela Hartzband and Jerome Groopman published in a January issue of the New England Journal. In the essay, (and I'm paraphrasing) Groopman and Hartzband argue that process improvement tools like LEAN are "medical Taylorism" that lead to to rapt attention to process measures
while resulting in unhappy patients and clinicians. They write:
The author's main argument is that tools like LEAN encourage measurement of the wrong things and that
Cue the ensuing bedlam: Advocates for LEAN launchedmultipleattacks on the article, primarily arguing that LEAN has done great things and that the authors confused LEAN (Toyota production) with Taylor's simple industrial strategies, or with "process improvement" efforts that aren't actually LEAN. John Shook, CEO of the Lean Enterprise Institute wrote a blog criticizing the article:
Clinicians have always looked with some skepticism at LEAN. I'm a believer, having witnessed massive operation improvements at places like Virginia Mason that took LEAN seriously. As I wrote
, I'm convinced that operations science is the key to improving healthcare.
For some time, like Groopman and Hartzband, I've also been suspicious that
. They aren't linear and they are too complex to be figured out using linear process analysis.
when I was introduced to the Cynefin framework and its original proponent, Prof. David Snowden. The concept received a lot of attention in HBR a few years ago.
Tools designed to improve simple systems can not be used to fix or interpret complex systems.
If you have an hour, watch this lecture that Snowden gave at OSU a few years ago. The guy is a genius and a superb speaker.
Snowden writes:
Snowden argues that there are four primary system domains: simple systems, complicated systems, complex systems and chaos. Simple systems are the domain of "best practice" and lend themselves to conventional process analysis tools. Complex systems, in contrast are far more nuanced. He writes:
A complex system, unlike a simple one, contains multiple "agents" who continually modify the system through interaction. Specifically, in the face of decision-making in the face of "unknown unknowns" people in complex systems develop the ability to borrow solutions from adjacent innovation- a process called exaptation. It is this "discovery" and repurposing of adjacent innovation that is how complicated decisions are best made. In his OSU speech, Snowden argues that process improvement
. They don't work in complex systems. Worse, by using simple tools to eliminate all excess capacity
- the ability to run experiments and find solutions. Snowden mentions that this was one reason why the innovative company 3M migrated from six-sigma a few years ago.
Snowden makes the point that the dominance of the engineering metaphor is the real problem in management science today.
In fairness, I've never heard a LEAN expert argue that everything in healthcare should be standardized. A LEAN black belt that I worked with a few years ago was clear that you should
Her take, I suspect, was an implicit acknowledgment that