Millennials Are Ditching Primary Care. What's Next and Who Cares?
American Healthcare was a finalist for the NIHCM Digital Media award in 2015. The blog ran from 2013- 2019, with syndication to Tincture, KevinMD and The Health Care Blog. This is an archive of the blog posts: images and formatting are unfortunately lost. Since these posts are pretty old, some of my thoughts have evolved, and some data is no longer accurate...
Switching Costs are Slowing Consumer Adoption of Healthcare Innovation
Segmenting Healthcare: What's Your Customer's Currency?
More Thoughts on Segmenting Healthcare: Who'll Serve the "High End" of the Market?
The Pendulum Swings Between Individualism vs. Collectivism in US Healthcare. What Does the Next Decade Hold?
Segmenting Healthcare into "Luxury" and "Value" Brands... Thoughts On Not Getting Stuck in the Middle.
A Flood of Medical Information Has Overwhelmed the Craft Business of Medicine: What's Next?
Consumers are Linking Budget Airline Itineraries: Will They "Virtual Interline" Medical Services Too?
Will We Improve Healthcare Delivery By Building Hierarchies or Loose Networks? Considering Lunch Delivered in Mumbai
Failing at Health Reform: The Critical Importance of Both Motivation and Execution
Is The Proliferation of Urgent Care Clinics an Evolutionary Step Towards Primary Care 2.0? Thoughts on Not Betting the Farm When it Comes to Urgent Care Mania...
The Growth of Doctor Networks: Will "Healthcare Islands" Appeal to Value-Seeking Millennials?
Academic Medical Centers Are Under Siege. Is the Best Strategy to Go Small or to Go Big and Own the Continuum?
Budget Boutique Hospitals? Will The Search for Value Lead to Market-Segmentation in American Healthcare?
Will Physician "Trust Platforms" Make System Affiliation Less Important? Considering Airbnb and Holiday Inn
Healthcare Mergers are the End of the Beginning: Some Lessons From the US Airline Business
Unbundled Healthcare... Does the future promise a few "star" clinicians and a skinny delivery platform?